“Synthetic Biology, E.Coli, Team Work, Modeling, International Competition ”
Project Title: Skin Guardian
We expect ourselves to solve this problem by producing skin-care ingredients with fatty acid metabolism related gene circuits, skin-guardians. In our project, we have three we have three different approaches: skin whitening, corneum decomposition and fragrance producing. When skin-guardians uptake excess oil and sebum through fadL, it will synthesis Acetyl Coenzyme A, which will change the structure of repressor, fadR losing its affinity to promoter, allowing downstream genes to be transcripted. The skin-care ingredient make us looks fair and tender. Living through theoretically and practical examinations, our skin-guardians proofed itself to be a great expectations in aesthetic medicine.
Team Wiki: http://2014.igem.org/Team:NTU_Taida
Our Simulation Progress:
1. Prediction of fundamentals of exfoliation circuit / 2. Deterministic modeling of whole whitening circuit
Background knowledge:
1. Michaelis-Menten kinetics / 2. Hill Equation / 3. Deterministic modeling / 4. Stochastic modeling / 5. Boolean Network
Result: Gold Medal
You can find the results here: https://igem.org/2014_Results
For more information: http://2014.igem.org/Giant_Jamboree